Saturday, September 17, 2011

Humming Birds Don't Walk !!

They do have feet, but they don't use them to walk because they are so poorly developed; this is due to the fact that they spend most of their time in flight and seldom need to walk. Hummingbirds also have an incredibly fast metabolism, which means they are always just a few hours away from starvation.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Bio-diesel from bacteria

Scientist of the university of california, Berkeley have manipulated the genetic code of E.coil, common intestinal bacteria, so that it can chew up plant-derived sugar to produce diesel and other hydrocarbons. The fuel that is produced by E. Coil can be used directly as bio-diesel. In contrast, fats or oils from plants must be chemically esterified before that can be used.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Elephants have very thick skin

This commonly held belief is in fact only partly true. Around vulnerable parts such as its back is 2.5cm thick. But in many other areas, such as inside their skin is paper-thin. The skin of a rhino is much thicker up to 5cm in parts.

Owls have the ability to rotate their head all the way 360 degrees

An owl's neck has 14 vertebrae, which is twice as many as humans. This allows the owl to turn its head up to 270 degrees left or right from the forward facing position. In other words, they could start by facing 12 0'clock and turn their heads in a clock wise direction until facing roughly 9pm - impressive, but still not a full 360 degrees.

Some frogs hear with their lungs!!

Panamanian golden frogs don't have outside ears - their lungs pick up sound waves and direct them to their eardrums. Interestingly, many fish hear in this same manner which supports the link between frogs and their evolutionary ancestors. Due to internal air-pressure controlled by the frog, it is able to largely ignore its own voice which is incredibly loud.

Why are water drops spherical ???

The water droplet's 'spherical shape ensures that few water molecules will be on the outside', because this is the shape for which the ratio of the surface area to the volume is smallest. Water molecules prefer to be on the inside, entirely surrounded by their own kind, for a similar reason to that which drives Emperor penguins to form compact huddles in the winter - because it conserves energy to transfer a water molecule from the inside of the droplet to its surface. The fewer molecules that have to undergo this process, the happier the droplet will be.