Saturday, September 17, 2011

Humming Birds Don't Walk !!

They do have feet, but they don't use them to walk because they are so poorly developed; this is due to the fact that they spend most of their time in flight and seldom need to walk. Hummingbirds also have an incredibly fast metabolism, which means they are always just a few hours away from starvation.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Bio-diesel from bacteria

Scientist of the university of california, Berkeley have manipulated the genetic code of E.coil, common intestinal bacteria, so that it can chew up plant-derived sugar to produce diesel and other hydrocarbons. The fuel that is produced by E. Coil can be used directly as bio-diesel. In contrast, fats or oils from plants must be chemically esterified before that can be used.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Elephants have very thick skin

This commonly held belief is in fact only partly true. Around vulnerable parts such as its back is 2.5cm thick. But in many other areas, such as inside their skin is paper-thin. The skin of a rhino is much thicker up to 5cm in parts.

Owls have the ability to rotate their head all the way 360 degrees

An owl's neck has 14 vertebrae, which is twice as many as humans. This allows the owl to turn its head up to 270 degrees left or right from the forward facing position. In other words, they could start by facing 12 0'clock and turn their heads in a clock wise direction until facing roughly 9pm - impressive, but still not a full 360 degrees.

Some frogs hear with their lungs!!

Panamanian golden frogs don't have outside ears - their lungs pick up sound waves and direct them to their eardrums. Interestingly, many fish hear in this same manner which supports the link between frogs and their evolutionary ancestors. Due to internal air-pressure controlled by the frog, it is able to largely ignore its own voice which is incredibly loud.

Why are water drops spherical ???

The water droplet's 'spherical shape ensures that few water molecules will be on the outside', because this is the shape for which the ratio of the surface area to the volume is smallest. Water molecules prefer to be on the inside, entirely surrounded by their own kind, for a similar reason to that which drives Emperor penguins to form compact huddles in the winter - because it conserves energy to transfer a water molecule from the inside of the droplet to its surface. The fewer molecules that have to undergo this process, the happier the droplet will be.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Cracking your Knuckles will cause arthritis in later life!!

The cracking sound in the knuckles is caused by the bones moving apart and forming a gas bubble - the sound is the bubble bursting. It is quite common to hear someone warning a knuckle cracker that they will get arthritis, but the worst that can happen to a compulsive-cracker is that their fingers joints may weaken over time. Arthritis is caused by a variety of things (Such as crystal formations in the case of gout) - but knuckle cracking isn't one of them.

Friday, July 15, 2011

It won't Forget

Wild crows can recognize individual human faces and hold a grudge for years against people who have treated them badly. Scientists at the University of Washington donned a rubber caveman mask and then captured and ringed wild crows. If the crows were later approached by someone wearing the same mask, they loudly scolded the intruder. The crows' antipathy to the caveman mask has lasted more than three years, even though they have had no further bad experiences with people wearing it.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Going to extremes

On April 23, the Swift X- ray satellite witnessed a record-breaking gamma ray burst (G R B), a blast that signals the explosive death of a massive star. Swift saw 10 seconds of gamma rays followed by an X-ray after glow. Such afterglows occur because the star's gamma-ray jets plow through surrounding material that has star previoulst shed. As they barrel through, the gamma rays transfer energy to the material and cause it to radiate. After localizing its position with Swift, and then performing follow-up observations with multiple ground based observatories, scientists determined that the burst called GRB 0800423, occurred when the universe was just one 630 million years old. (That corresponds to a red shift of 8.2)
The recorded red shift makes this GRB the most distant blast yet seen. The object's red shift corresponds to when the universe was just one-twentieth of its current age. Astronomers believethe first stars began forming around 200 million years after the Big bang, and GRB 090423's progenitor stars brings them closer to that time period.
It also gives astronomers clues about the little understood cosmic Dark Ages, and the following "reionization"epoch.

A Mammoth Discovery

An ivory carving provides evidence of Ice Age artisans. The little figurine
approximately half an inch long and weighing a fraction of an ounce-may not look like much, but at 35,000 years old, it's believed to be the oldest ivory carving ever found. Archaeologists recently unearthed the mammoth sculpture, along with four other Ice Age relics, in a cave in southwestern Germany. The pachyderm is impressively wrought and has a slim design and crosshatches on its feet. Scientists say it's among the earliest evidence of Ice Age artistry. Radiocarbon dating of the dig site's sediment places the sculpture at a point in time alongside the arrival of the first modern humans in Europe.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

The Iron Snail

The snail, Crysomallon squamiferum is known as the scaly-foot gastropod, and lives deep beneath the surface of the Indian Ocean near a group of hydrothermal vents. The iron armor protects the snail against its predators. The iron-plated shell of this deep water snail could inspire a new class of lifesaving armor for soldiers according to new research.

Does the alcohol in alcohol gel get absorbed through our skin??

Yes, although the quantities are normally quite small. Hand sanitizer gel is about 6.2% ethanol or propanol. This is only about 60% more concentrated than gin and you only use a few millimeters almost to wash your hands. In addition alcohol is very volatile and nearly all of it will evaporate before it is absorbed.

Which way would a compass point in space?

The direction of a compass needle is dictated by the local magnetic field, which on Earth has a clear north-south direction. There are magnetic fields in space as well, but they're generally far weaker and lacking in any obvious direction. So, in the absence of anything like a nearby magnet, a compass in space will just move around at random.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Do hot drinks really cool you down?

During rest, your body generates around 360 kilojoules of heat per hour, so a cup of tea is equivalent to about five minutes of heat production. The heat goes straight to your body to think you're hotter than you really are. You'll sweat more and divert hot blood to your skin, which might cause you to lose more heat than you actually gained from the drink.

Friday, February 11, 2011


Some dismiss it as mere self deception, but others insist it has cured them of a host of ailments and phobias, or even allowed them to undergo surgery without anesthesia. Quite how it works, however, has been a mystery. Exactly how this can be triggered by simple listening to someone talking, or watching a swinging pocket watch, remains unclear.