Tuesday, May 31, 2011

The Iron Snail

The snail, Crysomallon squamiferum is known as the scaly-foot gastropod, and lives deep beneath the surface of the Indian Ocean near a group of hydrothermal vents. The iron armor protects the snail against its predators. The iron-plated shell of this deep water snail could inspire a new class of lifesaving armor for soldiers according to new research.

Does the alcohol in alcohol gel get absorbed through our skin??

Yes, although the quantities are normally quite small. Hand sanitizer gel is about 6.2% ethanol or propanol. This is only about 60% more concentrated than gin and you only use a few millimeters almost to wash your hands. In addition alcohol is very volatile and nearly all of it will evaporate before it is absorbed.

Which way would a compass point in space?

The direction of a compass needle is dictated by the local magnetic field, which on Earth has a clear north-south direction. There are magnetic fields in space as well, but they're generally far weaker and lacking in any obvious direction. So, in the absence of anything like a nearby magnet, a compass in space will just move around at random.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Do hot drinks really cool you down?

During rest, your body generates around 360 kilojoules of heat per hour, so a cup of tea is equivalent to about five minutes of heat production. The heat goes straight to your body to think you're hotter than you really are. You'll sweat more and divert hot blood to your skin, which might cause you to lose more heat than you actually gained from the drink.